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What can Bowen help ?

Muscular and skeletal problems in neck, shoulder, hip, knees, ankle and back, including sciatica.   

Frozen shoulder, tennis and golf elbow, R.S.I. and carpal tunnelWhiplash and sports injuries.

Problems with posture and body alignment.

Migraine and recurring headaches.

Bell's palsy, multiple sclerosis, parkinson's disease and the difficulties suffered by stroke victims.

Respiratory, bronchial and related symptoms such as hayfever and asthma.

Digestive problems such as IBS and constipation.

Hormonal, pregnancy and fertility problems

Stress management, ME, fibromyalgia and atigue.


Bowen can be of assistance in many cases of emotional stress, where relaxation is a prime factor in easing pain and anxiety. It is also often a great help in improving the quality of life for those who are terminally ill.

Children usually respond extremely well to a Bowen treatment. Some symptoms which have been reported to respond well to Bowen therapy include:  Allergies, ADD, ADHD, autism, asthma, bed-wetting, cerebral palsy, chest infections, colic, constipation, croup, dispraxia, eczema, glue-ear, growing pains, headaches, muscular-skeletal issues, panic attacks, psoriasis, sinusitis and stress.  

The Bowen Technique is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or treatment.
It is recommend you consult your own doctor about any health concerns you may have.

Mother and baby. 

The spine and pelvis of an expectant mother are especially y vulnerable because of the stress of carrying an unborn baby. Hormonal changes make the pelvis suppler during the latter part of pregnancy. This is when the terrible back aches seem to not only intensify, but also appear more frequently as the baby gets heavier. The instability of the pelvis can lead to other strains being felt in the spine and supporting muscles and ligaments.


The birth itself can leave the mother in a lot of lower back and pelvic pain. There is also the added strain on the spine whilst nursing, feeding and caring for the baby.

Most procedures of Bowen Therapy can be performed on an expectant mother almost up until labour begins. After the mother has given birth, there are certain Bowen moves which can be performed with a few hours. These moves help to calm the body and aid the body in returning to its natural state, prior to pregnancy.



The birth is one of the most traumatic processes a child will go through. The child is able to have bowen therapy within a day or so after birth. As it is so gentle, the child is barely aware of being treated.

Bowen Therapy can also help treat:

  • Infant colic

  • Blue babies

  • Misalignments in the spine due to labour

  • and has been great for hiccups

The wonderful thing about Bowen Therapy is that it can treat as young as a few days old to the elderly. It has no limitations on age. In fact, Bowen Therapy has proven to work wonderfully with Colic babies, it has helped treat Blue babies and it can help relax hyperactive children.

the success

A successful birth for both mother and child will be more easily achieved when healthcare is established as an essential element during pregnancy, labour and after birth. Bowen Therapy can help maintain health and relaxation for both mother and baby.

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