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TESTIMONIALS - what my clients say

Neck/leg pain and hay-fever.

I had a car accident just over ten years ago and thought that I had recovered quite well until January when my neck and leg both started to ache almost at the same time.  My leg pain was especially bad keeping me awake at night, the neck pain got worse as the day went on.  A friend recommended that I go and see Sally as she had sorted her neck out last year.  I was really taken aback at the results, after the first treatment I slept like a log, it only took a further three treatments for me to feel like a new woman, totally amazing!!!  One BIG side effect is that my hay-fever has been so much better this year, next year I plan to have three or four Bowen sessions before the hay-fever season starts,. I am so pleased that I found the Bowen Technique.


Baby with constipation

Baby A was two weeks old when his mum asked me to see if Bowen could help with his constipation, he always cried when 'pooing' and often only produced a few rabbit like pellets. I saw him mum two days after his first treatment and she told me that he had filled, to overflowing, three nappies the night after his treatment. Baby A had two further Bowen sessions and is now a very happy little boy. 

Everybody needs Bowen, even little bodies.

Bowen Therapy has relieved 25 years of headaches stemming from a coccyx and neck injury.  I have spent much of this time missing out on fun, life and work and in fear of the next three day long attack, which has left meexhausted and, at times, depressed.  Physiotherapy, osteopathy, acupuncture and conventional drug treatment failed to alleviate my symptoms.  Then I met Sally, a straight talking, no nonsense practitioner of The Bowen Technique.  Over a period of four weeks treatment was administered with increasing successful elimination of symptoms.  I have been virtually pain free for four months now.  I have my life back; I no longer fear the sinking inevitability of a three day headache any more.  I cannot recommend Bowen therapy and Sally highly enough and thank the day we met.


​Hi Sally. After my treatment on Tuesday with you, my neck and shoulders have improved beyond belief, I have no tension in my neck and shoulders and movement is much improved. With all the months of endless pain, doctors appointments and medications, I finally feel there is a way forward. I know my Rheumatoid Arthritis will always be with me and that I will always need my medication to slow it down, but if I can help to control the symptoms and ease some of the dreadful pain associated with it, it will have a very positive effect on me both physically and emotionally. Thank You.


After my treatment I am now sleeping at night, I don't have a constant ache in my arm and shoulder, I can lift and use my arm as normal it has improved my day to day living back to normal.


Multiple sclerosis

Just to let you know that, after 4 treatments, I'm very pleased with the benefits the treatmen has brought.

If anyone asks about the benefits the Bowen treatment can bring to MS sufferers the following is my experience;  I was diagnosed with PPMS (primary progressive multiple sclerpsis) about 4 years ago when I was in my mid 50s.  One of the major challenges is neuropathic pain which leads to a very poor sleep pattern, it's not unusual for me to get 2 hours sleep and then I'm awake for the rest of the night because the neuropathic pain kicks in which makes sleep impossible.  Conventional painkillers do not have any effect and after a severe reaction to a high strength painkiller I (coincidentally) started my Bowen treatment, I 'did' start the treatments from a sceptical viewpoint because I've seen many claims for "magic" solutions but....... I now manage to sleep for 7 hours every night which has a signifact impact on daily life and I would recommend anybody with MS to try the Bowen therapy on a trial basis, for 5 treatment to assess the benefits, my painkiller intake has been reduced to zero which I regard as a major benefit as I am very anti pill popping.  Regards


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