Bowen Therapy in south/central Lincolnshire.
The Bowen Technique is a holistic, remedial form of bodywork. I believe it is an effective method to relieve or reduce the symptoms of an array of muscular/skeletal, organic, and reproductive problems. This makes the Bowen Technique one of the most versatile therapeutic treatments available today. The Bowen Technique has no contraindications; it is a treatment that is appropriate for everyone, from the young to the old, the active to the infirm.
Bowen may help the following
Musculoskeletal – back, neck, whiplash, sciatica, knee pain, arthritis, sports injuries
Improving – flexibility, posture, energy levels, sleep, stress/anxiety
Hormonal imbalances - menopause, period pains
Respiratory – asthma, hayfever, sinus problems
Digestive – IBS, Crohn’s, acid reflux, constipation, indigestion
Chronic – migraines, Fibromyalgia, MS, ME, Parkinson's
Gynaecological – infertility, irregular cycles, PMS
Mothers – Cramping, low back pain, morning sickness, depression, SPD
Babies – baby colic, unsettled baby, restlessness, sleep issues
Children – growing pain, glue ear, ADHD, bedwetting, sleep issues, anger, travel sickness
Call now for more information or to book an appointment 07903 200905